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Privacy & Data Policy

Customer Service Intelligence, Inc., P.O. Box 5489 Bella Vista, AR 72714, provides customer feedback follow-up services for clients.  Customer Service Intelligence, Inc., doing business as CSI, is a call center operation and, via the Chat application, a client/customer communications provider.


The CSI Chat app is internal to CSI clients only.  Via the Chat app, CSI does not gather the customer contact information of its clients for sale to third parties, nor does it use this information for anything other than gathering customer feedback on their experience with the client and the client’s products, and for general communications between clients and their own customers.  The results of this information is held by CSI and reported to those clients only.


CSI Chat app data is kept in a secure database on a secure server with secure user access, and CSI clients may only access their own data.  CSI doesn't collect any data except what is provided to us by clients and customers.  There is no free access to the CSI Chat app by clients, except for demonstration purposes to prospective clients.


CSI maintains a database of customers who do not wish to be called, or who do not wish to receive SMS or email messages by either CSI or by clients of CSI using the Chat app.  This database is referenced each time a phone call, SMS message, or email message is prepared so that no attempt is made to contact any customer in this database.  


Client customers who recieve SMS messages via the Chat app or by any other software run by CSI may opt-out of receiving further SMS messages by responding 'CANCEL', 'END', 'QUIT', 'UNSUBSCRIBE', 'STOP', 'STOPALL', 'UNSUB', or 'DECLINE' to an SMS message.


CSI only uses a domain name registered to itself as a business when sending email to a client’s customers via either the Chat app or by any other software run by CSI.  Customers who receive email messages are always given an “unsubscribe” link in the body of the email.


As a business, CSI may make phone calls, send SMS messages, and/or send email messages, to the customers of the clients with whom CSI does business, should the client desire those services.  Upon enrolling, each CSI client must fill-out a form and sign it, agreeing to get each customer’s consent to being contacted by CSI on behalf of the client.  The clause in the enrollment form states, “By providing CSI with your customer phone numbers, email address and contact info, you and your customers, consent to have CSI contact your customers via the means of service that you have chosen CSI to use for said contact (phone call, SMS, email, etc.).  This reach out is for the sole purposes of gathering your customers feedback on their experience with the client and their products.”



Rebecca Thompson, President, Customer Service Intelligence, Inc. 4/1/2023

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